Thursday, February 26, 2009

Five Things

1.  This is the week that robins and bluebirds traditionally are seen on the mountain.  Not this year!  Winter is hanging on, but I have seen a few signs of spring:
  • a roadkilled raccoon
  • a roadkilled skunk
  • geese flying, not north, but in circles
  • a dog with his head out a truck window
2.  Recently we saw Ladysmith Black Mambazo perform in State College.  Wow.  Amazingly creative sounds, sparklingly funny personalities, beautiful worship songs in an African tongue (Zulu?).  They were introduced by an NPR hostess who loved their songs of peace.  She just omitted mentioning where that peace comes from.

3.  Our granddaughter Anna (the cutest baby in the world-- and as soon as we remember how to send pictures from the camera to the computer, we'll prove it) and our Siamese cat Chai are beginning to have things in common: they both are fascinated by the sound and feel of papers.

4.  We watched Mama Mia! last week and the songs have not yet stopped running through my head.  Recommended.

5.  "Thanks!" to all those friends who recommended watching "24."   

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  Thanks, KatE.

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