Saturday, November 1, 2008

Let's Try This Again

When our computer had a glitch back in July,
I never suspected that it would be almost four months 
before we'd blog again.

In the interim,
school started, 
and first graders again greet me with enthusiastic stories:
"My house is full of peacock feathers!"
"I threw up last night and my dog ate it!" 
Alexa was looking at a horse book
and was horrified when Elijah said,
"I know that horse!  That's Black Booty!"

September 11th, we received the news that 
our daughter-in-law Katrina was being induced.
We planned for substitutes,
then were off to State College to meet
We are now grandparents.
The small snuffling sounds 
and triple breaths
are reminders that life goes on.

On Tuesday, November 4th,
Den will turn fifty-five,
and millions of people will go to the polls to vote.
What about the animals?
Sheep want Obaaaaaaaaama,
goats prefer Ollama.
Horses like McMane, 
ducks like McRain,
puppies for Omama,
bigger dogs for McDane-- he's Great.
Then there's...
Dentists for McPain.
Tarzan and Boy for McJane.
Punctuation geeks for Ocomma.
Narcoleptics for Pajama.
Theater majors for Odrama.
Sugar producers for McCane.
The monkeys in the school courtyard
were enthusiastic about 
O'Cain and McBama.
I'm just ready for it to all be over.

Happy fifty-fifth birthday, Den.
I love you.


1 comment:

Russell Lucas said...

Congratulations! That's great news. Our best wishes to the new parents, and new grandparents.